Hi! Interested in working together?
People hire me to: design or refresh their website, or facilitate workshops for their communities on stewardship paths.
Please see my offerings page for more details.
- being with our grief + transforming our relationships with death/dying /rebirth
Becoming more harmonious humxn beings can look like: embodying healthier, holistic ways of thinking+ being; re-membering our innate wisdom; honouring our bodies; becoming conscious of the way of the mind; dropping old programming, and re-programming our selves/cells!
Healing is intergenerational, long-game work! It is sacred, relational work. It is grief work. We must learn how to sustain our movements by cultivating adaptable communities of care. We must de-colonize our ideas of leadership: drop unhealthy martyrdom, and understand that we are activating within a lineage. We never change alone.