555 — trust that divinely guided changes are unfolding for you
Body and Spirit jostled me up around 5 am, which is strange and out of character for me (one who loves sleep, overindulges in sleep, copes through sleep).
I awoke from a dream about water. I awoke feeling very lucky to be alive. I dreamt of gentle rivers and playful waterways that spoke to me and said — “Isn’t it such a joy to live here, and be here, and play here!” I awoke happy, and it felt good.
Did I dream the water, or did the water dream me?
I dreamt of water again a few nights ago, within the portal of the New Moon. It was a waterfall that was fast, rocky + aggressive. I was biking by it (with admiration) when my phone launched itself into the head of the waterfall. It then careened and leapt with the water from rock to rock. In the dream I leapt right into the waterfall and after my phone like a cartoon cat chasing a mouse, only to “save” it just before it could sink into the waterfall’s bottom / depth.
On IG the next day, a dear friend Dilan posted about dreaming of waterfalls that night too - a dream that “felt exhilarating and significant but not ominous.” I messaged her immediately to trade notes (geeky K loves a good dream analysis).
Watery times indeed.
But let me get this part of the analysis out of the way FIRST:
Spirit be sayin’ “Get the fuck off your phone Kristen!” The dream screams DANGER! I put myself in harms way and leapt into peril just to save my phone from drowning? I carry a fear of drowning IRL, so the message here is clear as day. Clear as Clear Lake. DON’T GIVE YOURSELF TO PERIL IF YOU DON’T HAVE TO! RESIST THE RABBIT HOLE, aka PUT. YOUR. PHONE. DOWN.
*cue Erykah Badu
This message (to hop off my handheld) has come thru so many messengers, it’s not even funny at this point. It’s mildly embarassing. Spirit / my team has come through in reiki sessions, tarot readings, and in Akashic Records Readings when I’ve asked for guidance on how to live well in these chaotic times. Their consistent advice: as soon as you wake up give yourself 2 hours to start your day right, grounded and centered in yourself. Don’t try to attempt “work” and definitely do NOT touch your phone.
I’ve been thinking a lot over these past weeks, about friendship, home, and family. What it means to move homes, and what it takes to live well in a place. I’ve been feeling through loss of friendship, and all the grief that accompanies growing, and Change. Grieving old selves, old versions of you-in-relationship-with-
I’ve been trying to remember that this feeling of loss re: friendship could 1: simply be a story I’m telling myself OR more importantly 2: be a signal and side effect of transformation.
A teacher of mine says, “Community and Culture are like Water - constantly shifting, changing, morphing. The pain comes in resisting this Change.”
“Whenever you repeatedly see a number sequence, there is a good chance it contains guidance from your angels and from the realms of spirit. Numbers are a simple and straightforward way for angels to deliver messages that aren't filtered out by the ego mind.
So what’s the meaning of 555?
555 is first and foremost, a clear sign from the angels that huge changes are unfolding, or are about to unfold throughout all areas of your life.
If you keep seeing 555, you’ve likely already started seeing changes unfolding around you, and it’s highly likely there are more to come.
Now, if you're like most people… The idea of huge amounts of change may worry you a bit. As humans, we naturally fear the unknown, and big changes mean exactly that…
Lots of unknown.
But don't worry!
555 is a sign of positive changes that are bringing you into greater alignment with your soul purpose, and with greater love, vitality and abundance.
The angels are showing you this number not to worry you, or frighten you about the upcoming changes… But just to help you become aware, so that you can keep your thoughts positively aligned.
Staying focused on your intentions, and maintaining a high vibration, even raising your vibration, will help the changes that are unfolding in your life to do so in the most positive, rewarding and fulfilling ways.”
555 signifies the energy of change.
It also has a strong meaning of releasing the past…
Releasing old fears, past patterns, and all that is no longer serving you.
Because when you're willing to release the old, you make way for lighter, more positive, fulfilling and uplifting patterns and possibilities to fill your experience.
555 is also about life choices.
And making choices for yourself that serve your path and purpose…
Rather than making choices to fit in, or because other people think you should choose a certain way.
555 also speaks about expressing the truth of your brilliant authentic light as an individual…
And being open, adaptable, and willing to learn lessons as you journey through life…
One step at a time aligning more fully with your highest soul truth, freedom, and authentic vibration.
So next time you see 555…
Know that the angels are with you and speaking to you about changes…
And that there are big changes in store for you.
But you're meant to be an active participant in them.
It's a call for you to positively change your life in an uplifting and empowering way.
So to make the most of these times of accelerated changes…
Keep asking your angels for guidance, clear direction, and support…
And keep moving forward on your path one step at a time.
555 urges you to let go of the old and outdated. If you resist the changes happening in your life, you'll likely manifest obstacles, challenges, and a feeling of struggle.
But by willingly letting go of what has been, and what is now in the past, and refocusing on the infinite possibility before you, you'll naturally bring yourself into alignment with the divinely inspired positive changes in store.
555 isn't a call to sit back and be a passive recipient of whatever is coming you way. It is a call from the universe and the angels to choose yourself and to co-create positive change and blessings in your life.
Stay present in the moment and utilize affirmations, and prayer to stay positive and to stay focused on aligning with the highest and best possible changes, which will most serve.
You're well equipped to handle whatever change is coming, and hugely supported from your angels and guides beyond the veil. Trust in the process of change, choose to stay in a positive state of love, and be willing to let go and go with the flow to allow blessings and divinely inspired changes to unfold in your life.
555 messages via https://www.ask-angels.com/spiritual-guidance/angel-number-555/
Messages of Change are coming in from all directions. In dreams. From the water. From angels, lovers & friends.
Trust the Changes. Choose to Listen. Trust that Change will Move you.